Sunday, May 13, 2012

SQL to Mongo Mapping Chart

SQL Statement  Mongo Statement 
mysql_connect('localhost', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password');  >New mongo();
CREATE DATABASE TEST >new Mongo("{$host}", array("replicaSet" => true,"slaveOK" => true));
CREATE TABLE USERS (a Number, b Number) use mydb
ALTER TABLE users ADD ... db.createCollection("mycoll")
SELECT a,b FROM users db.users.insert({a:3,b:5})
SELECT * FROM users WHERE age=33 db.users.find({}, {a:1,b:1})
SELECT a,b FROM users WHERE age=33 db.users.find()
SELECT * FROM users WHERE age=33 ORDER BY name db.users.find({age:33})
SELECT * FROM users WHERE age>33 db.users.find({age:33}, {a:1,b:1})
SELECT * FROM users WHERE age!=33 db.users.find({age:33}).sort({name:1})
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE "%Joe%" db.users.find({age:{$gt:33}})
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE "Joe%" db.users.find({age:{$ne:33}})
SELECT * FROM users WHERE age>33 AND age<=40 db.users.find({name:/Joe/})
SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY name DESC db.users.find({name:/^Joe/})
SELECT * FROM users WHERE a=1 and b='q' db.users.find({'age':{$gt:33,$lte:40}})
SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 10 SKIP 20 db.users.find().sort({name:-1})
SELECT * FROM users WHERE a=1 or b=2 db.users.find({a:1,b:'q'})
SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 1 db.users.find().limit(10).skip(20)
SELECT order_id FROM orders o, order_line_items li WHERE li.order_id=o.order_id AND li.sku=12345 db.users.find( { $or : [ { a : 1 } , { b : 2 } ] } )
SELECT FROM customers,orders WHERE"q179" AND db.users.findOne()
SELECT DISTINCT last_name FROM users var o = db.orders.findOne({_id:"q179"});
SELECT COUNT(*y) var name = db.customers.findOne({_id:o.custid})
FROM users
SELECT COUNT(*y) db.users.distinct('last_name')
FROM users where AGE > 30 db.users.count()
SELECT COUNT(AGE) from users db.users.find({age: {'$gt': 30}}).count()
db.users.find({age: {'$exists': true}}).count()
CREATE INDEX myindexname ON users(name)
CREATE INDEX myindexname ON users(name,ts DESC) db.users.ensureIndex({name:1})
UPDATE users SET a=1 WHERE b='q'
UPDATE users SET a=a+2 WHERE b='q' db.users.update({b:'q'}, {$set:{a:1}}, false, true)
db.users.update({b:'q'}, {$inc:{a:2}}, false, true)
DELETE FROM users WHERE z="abc" db.users.remove({z:'abc'});
To be continued...

Profiling PHP Applications on Apache Using Xdebug and Xdebugtoolkit

Your app is slow?You can take a real deep look into your application using the profiling options of Xdebug.
How To:

We will be using RHEL / CentOS as operating system for this tutorial. For more information about installing Xdebug, get it here.

1. Assuming that you have PEAR/PECL installed, get Xdebug by,

# pecl install xdebug

The command above will install the module to your php modules directory which is usually located at /usr/lib64/php/modules (part of distribution) or /usr/local/lib/php/modules (user installed).

2. Activate the xdebug module by adding the following entry to php.ini.

zend_extension = /path/to/ or zend_extension =

 xdebug is a zend extension, DO NOT use "". This will fail.

You can place the entry above to php.ini by doing any of the following:

# vi /etc/php.ini, copy and paste into a line within the config, then save (ESC + colon + wq)
Or, if your php configuration was installed using dependency structure (/etc/php.d), you can simply do the following,

# cd /etc/php.d
# vi xdebug.ini, copy and paste into a line within the config, then save (ESC + colon + wq)

To configure, you can use the sample below, and paste it after the "zend_extension" module entry.

Xdebug Automatic Mode:

xdebug.profiler_enable = on
xdebug.profiler_output_dir = /tmp
xdebug.profiler_output_name => cachegrind.out.%t-%R

Xdebug Trigger Mode:

xdebug.profiler_enable = off
xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = on
xdebug.profiler_output_dir = /tmp
xdebug.profiler_output_name => cachegrind.out.%t-%R

3. Restart apache for changes to take effect.

# /etc/init.d/httpd restart
  • Install Xdebugtoolkit
1. Assuming that you have subversion installed, get xdebugtoolkit

# svn co xdebugtoolkit

2. Make sure that you have installed all dependencies. For more information, go to xdebugtoolkit.

# yum install python
# yum install pygtk2
# yum install graphviz , this will install "dot" on /usr/bin/dot

  • Generate Cachegrind or Application Profile Data
For Xdebug Automatic Mode, just visit the URLs that you want profiled. In our case, we used QAs regression test to fully profile the application.

For Xdebug Trigger Mode, just append XDEBUG_PROFILE=1 after each URL.

  • Generate Graphs
·         # cd /tmp
·         # /path/to/xdebugtoolkit/ yourcachegrindfile | /path/to/dot -T png -o /path/to/file.png

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